
Ltjg Han:Your home is beautiful inside and out. The garden is beautiful as well. Who 1)has a green thumb? Lt Allen: That would be my mother. She is really good at gardening. Ltjg Han:I guess she also has an excellent taste in decorating. The carpet is matching the walls beautifully in color and design. She also decorated the walls with antique paintings and pictures of your family. Lt Allen: Yes, she did. Ltjg Han:Who is this good-looking man in a Navy uniform? Lt Allen: Oh, that’ s my uncle, Josephin, my mom’ s little brother. He fought in the Korean war. Ltjg Han:Oh, he did? Lt Allen: His right leg was penetrated by a bullet in the war. He spent his whole life, limping badly. He retired from the Air Force and worked with the local Veteran’ s affairs. Ltjg Han: I am sorry to hear that. Did he regret being in the war? Lt Allen: No, not at all. Actually he was very proud of having been in the war to fight for peace and justice for all. He felt very sorry that Korea remained as a divided country despite numerous losses of young lives who fought for peace. Ltjg Han:It would be great if I could see and talk with him. Lt Allen: You can visit him in the cemetery. Ltjg Han:Oh, I am so sorry. It’ d have been a great honor to have met such a great man. Ltjg Han: 집이아주멋있습니다. 정원도잘가꾸어져 있구요. 어느분이정원손질을이렇게 잘하시죠? Lt Allen: 우리어머니께서정원손질을아주잘하시지. Ltjg Han: 집안장식에도꽤탁월한안목을가지고계신것같은데요. 카페트색상과무늬가벽이랑아주조화가잘되네요. 벽들도고화랑가족사진들로잘장식하셨네요. Lt Allen: 그렇지. Ltjg Han: 그런데 해군군복을입고있는이잘생긴남자는누구죠? Lt Allen: 우리어머니남동생인Josephin 이라네. 한국전에도참전 하셨었지 Ltjg Han: 그러셨나요? Lt Allen: 전쟁중에오른쪽다리에관통상을당하셨지. 평생을다리를 절면서지내셨다네. 제대후에지방재향군인회에서 일하셨지. Ltjg Han: 그이야기를들으니좀슬프네요. 전쟁에나갔었던것을 후회하셨나요? Lt Allen: 전혀그게아니었다네. 사실은정의와평화를지키기위해서 전쟁에나섰던것을아주자랑스럽게여기셨지. 평화를 수호하려는많은젊은목숨이사라졌음에도불구하고한국이 분단된것을아주안타까워하셨다네. Ltjg Han: 그분을만나이야기를나눌수있으면참 좋겠는데요. Lt Allen: 그분의묘지를찾아가면뵐수가있지. Ltjg Han: 그런좋은분을만나뵐수없다니 가슴이뭉클해져서 무슨 말을해야할지모르겠네요. 박 경 숙 LCI 생활영어강사 The Memorial Day ① Green thumb: a talent for gardening; ability to make things grow (원예에 관한 솜씨 / 능력)라고 하며 ‘have a green thumb’이란구절로쓴다. English 영어 배웁시다! 5 분 영 어 해군/2003. 5~6 32