
338 기록한 영화 관람 등을 통하여 과거의 잘못을 반성하고 성찰하는 교훈을 얻을 수 있다. 알뜨르 비행장 '알뜨르비행장'은 일제강점기에 일본이 대정읍 상모리 아래쪽의 너른 벌판에 제주도민 등을 동원하여 건설한 군용 비행장이다. 1937년 중일전쟁이 발발하자 일본은 이 비행장을 전초 기지로 삼아 약 700km 떨어진 중국의 난징을 폭격하기 위해 오무라 해군 항공대의 많은 전투기를 '알뜨르'에서 출격시켰다. 그러나 1938년 11월 일본군이 상하이를 점령하자 오무라 해군항공대는 중군 본토로 옮겨졌고, '알뜨르비행장'은 연습 비행장으로 남았다. '알뜨르비행장'은 '마을 아래에 있는 너른 벌판'의 뜻을 갖고 있는 상모리 '알뜨르'에 조성되어서 붙은 이름이다. *알뜨르란 제주어 표기법상 「 '알':아래, '드르':벌판 」 으로 아래에 있는 너른 벌판의 이미로 '알드르'임. [영문] Hangars of Altteureu Airfield The hangars were built by the Japanese in Altteureu Airfield near Songaksan Mountain, Daejeong-eup, Seogwipo-si to hide their Zero-Sen fighters used for kamikaze during the Pacific War. It is said that this Altteureu Airfield had more hangars than any other single airfield in Japan. Nineteen hangars built at that time still remain. 1.Undergruond Bunker of Imperial Japan at Altteureu in Moseulpo Port, Jeju The bunker was built between the runway and the hangars in Altteureu Airfield supposedly for the airbase wing command post or communications facilities. It is a rectangular structure 30m long and 20m wide. There are three paths leading to the ground level. Rusted steel ladders still remain, leaning against the wall inside one of the paths. It is guessed that they were used to see the status of the ground level. 2.Tunnel Fortification of Imperial Japan on Sedaroreum Volcanic Come, Jeju These tunnel fortifications were installed in one of the three volcanic cones in the north of Songaksan Mountain by the Japanese during the Japanese occupation period. It is a 1,220m-long large maze tunnel, Which has six entrances. A record left by the Japanese refers to it as fortifications for keeping torpedoes, communication equipment, fuel, and ammunition and for commanding antiaircraft guns. Still remaining at the top of the cone are two anti-aircraft emplacements and a bunker. 3.Anti-aircraft Emplacement of Imperial Japan on Sedaroreum Volcanic Cone, Jeju The anti-aircraft emplacements in Altteureu Airfield are military facilities built by the Japanese to protect against air attack from the US in 1937. When the second Sino-Japanese War broke out. In 1943, the original ones were replaced with concrete structures supposedly equipped with updated guns with a shooting range of 20km against American B-29 bombers. 4.Tunnel Fortifications of Imperial Japan Along the Coast of Songaksan Mountain, Jeju These tunnel fortifications were installed along the coast of Songaksan Mountain by the Japanese toward the end of the Pacific War to fend off approaching American naval ships. These fortifications are composed of the 13 tunnels and two bunkers which were built for suicide troops assigned to attack the Allies' naval ships using small boats, and a tunnel for observation. Songaksan Mountain, where the tunnel fortifications are located, is on a mini cape. Thus, the position offers advantages for observing approaching ships.