
www.groovekorea.com / January 2015 80 Edited by Elaine Ramirez (elaine@groovekorea.com) muSIC & ARTS Column by Wilfred Lee / Illustrations by Aaron Philby / Photo by Kim Dong-geun I n te r v I e w w I th A A r o n P h I l b y, c A r I c A tu r e A r t I s t ‘cArIcAtures Aren’t About drAwIng meAn-sPIrIted or ugly PIctures of PeoPle. they’re more lIke fIgurIng out, how cAn I do A drAwIng of you thAt’s defInItely you And nobody else, wIthout usIng your most unusuAl elements As my very bAsIs? whAt cAn A cArIcAture ArtIst AsPIre to If not, At the very leAst, to gIve everybody A dIfferent drAwIng?’ AAron PhIlby Artist’s Journey I n a faraway, almost-forgotten place in Ohio, Aaron Philby began his journey as a caricature artist by drawing during his younger years. Now 32, his passion for draw- ing has not waned, and he continues to draw live caricatures of people wherever the vibes are good and the pay is enough. Artist’s Journey’s Wilfred Lee sat down with Philby to draw up some observations and ideas about the strange world of caricature.