
What’s in this issue CONTENTS C O m m u n I t y 84 ThOSE WhO SEEK ShALL fIND IN SpANISh SEOuL A sign reading “He who seeks, finds” reflects the warm atmosphere and sense of community at Somos, Hispanic Seoul’s hub. 88 COmINg hOmE Guri may lack the niche social scenes of its big-city counterparts, but expats still find a place to belong. 92 IS KAKAOTALK SECuRE? Amid allegations that private texts have been handed over to the Korean government, local KakaoTalk users discuss their loyalty to the nation’s No. 1 chat app. 64 A fOREST Of DEATh The tranquil foothills of Aokigahara come with a startling reality: Many who visit have no plans to ever leave. 68 SumO AND ZImA Cheap, convenient and a day-tripper’s dream, Fukuoka is about so much more than a visa run. m u s I C & a r t s 70 gEOgRAphy Of yOuTh A Brazilian-born photographer documents the similarities between young people across the globe — millennial and proud. 72 INSpIRATION & IDENTITy From pinhole photography to handheld tablets, artist Andy Brown’s work brings new meaning to the term “multimedia.” 74 A vOICE fOR ThE NORTh North Korean defector Kang Chun-hyok uses arresting — and often jarring — visual imagery to speak out about his experiences growing up in the DPRK. d I s t r a C t I O n s 96 gROOvE LISTINgS Doctors, travel agencies, restaurants, hotels, airlines, nightclubs and more 100 COmICS 101 gAmES 102 hOROSCOpES d E s t I n a t I O n s Check out our GrooveCast episodes on these stories at groovekorea.com. j a n u a r y 2 0 1 5ISSUE 99 76 fANCy mAN This Jeju-based experimental band proves that style can have substance without losing its whimsy. 80 ARTIST’S jOuRNEy Humor, honesty and “a sense of harmony to this mess”: Caricature artist Aaron Philby opens up on the nuances of comedic portraiture. 82 AT ThE bOx OffICE “Jupiter Ascending” (Feb. 5) “Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb” (Jan. 29) 83 DvD CORNER “Tough as Iron (깡철이)” “Fists of Legend (전설의 주먹)” 84 76 68