
71 ‘I realIzed that It doesn’t matter where you are. there’s always that fear of faIlure, fear that you mIght not be able to do what you want to do. sometImes you have to fIght through that.’ JuanIta hong You are a millennial yourself. In fact, you interviewed and photographed yourself for the frst day of the project. How did meeting all these people make you think about your own journey? Right now I’m at a point in my life where I don’t have a career yet, and I really want a career. I guess you could say I want to make it. I just finished grad school and I’m actually getting ready to leave Korea and go back home. I’m pretty much starting over when I go back. There are a lot of emotions and fears that I have. As an expat, a lot of people come to Korea and get comfortable; they do what they want to do here, and sometimes going home is a scary thought. When I interviewed these people, I realized that it doesn’t matter where you are. There’s always that fear of failure, fear that you might not be able to do what you want to do. Sometimes you have to fight through that. By interviewing these people, I realized that we’re all the same. We’re all trying to be happy in our lives. one of the questions in the interview you gave people was, “How likely will you be to get what you want out of life?” Many said 100 percent. Do you think it will come true for all of them? Well, I hope so! If you go through life being pessimistic and feeling like you’re not going to be able to do what you want, then it’s not going to happen. When I saw those answers I was really happy. Among my friends, we always feel that Korean students lack the confidence or hope to do what they want to do. They’re just stuck in this society where you have to get a job at a business and make money, forget your dreams and just work for Samsung. But when I met these random people and saw those answers it was really cool. It was like, “Okay, you are optimistic, you do feel like you can make it.” What’s waiting for you back in America? My dream job is to be a photographer for movies. I really want to get behind the scenes and do on-set stuff. I’ve always loved being on set. After I graduated college I worked for a reality show called “Wife Swap” in New York. After that I worked in production for a few years. Naturally, on set I started taking pictures of people and I loved it. I had no idea it was an actual job. I did a little research and found out what I was doing was called production photography. I thought I could totally see myself doing that, so that’s always been my goal. I really hope it works out. And if it doesn’t … I’ll just keep trying.