
Hair loss There are some who say that when time takes out hair, it eventual- ly replaces it with wisdom. But can’t we have both? I think it’s a wise man who cares about his hair and takes the time to treat it. While I can’t say that I’ve fully cured hair loss, I can say that I have already seen over 65–70 percent success rates, but the longer a patient waits to address their hair loss, the lower the likelihood that we can find an effective solution. That’s why it is very important to take care of your hair from a young age. To help prevent hair loss, first I recommend avoiding perms, dye and hair products, and also keeping the scalp clean. Second, chronic stress should also be avoided, and any instances of seborrheic dermatitis should be treated immediately. Third, healthy eating is important. Lack of vitamins, minerals, ami- no acids and omega-3 can lead to hair loss, which is why our meals should be balanced. I suggest eliminating fatty, fried and instant foods and including more vegetables, protein, beans and fish. If pos- sible, take a nutritional supplement, as it can also help to prevent hair loss. If your hair has already started thinning, it means that you need to take action now. Like other diseases, hair loss requires treatment. By treating it at an early stage, hair loss is not only curable, but your hair can be made to grow back thicker. Causes of hair loss In the past, hair loss occurred far more frequently in males aged 40–50 years old. More recently, howev- er, there have been an increasing number of younger patients between the ages of 20 and 30. In addition, significant hair loss is also becoming a problem for fe- males of all ages. It can be attributed to many factors, including genetics, stress, hormone changes and cer- tain drugs or medication. For women, dyeing, drying and perming may lead to hair loss, as well as an unbal- anced diet due to a busy schedule. People with oily scalps are more prone to hair loss and, recently, the number of patients with oily scalps due to seborrheic dermatitis has been increasing. As previously mentioned, hair loss can be hereditary, but we can’t overlook the influence of many other fac- tors. According to recent studies, as many as 30 per- cent of our patients are experiencing hair loss that is completely unrelated to genetics. This shows us how physical or psychological stress can affect your hair. But luckily, we are able to reverse the impact these factors have through hair loss treatment, and over the past 10 years, the percentage of cured patients has increased significantly. coLUmN By Dr. LEE MOON WON not Scalp disorder is an incurab le disease