
www.groovekorea.com / April 2014 8 FOODFOOD 46 ApRiL 2014 ISSUe 90 DEsTInATIOns What’s in this issue COnTEnTs sEOUL VEGGIE KITCHEn Rice + stuff + stirring = You can totally make this and it’s more nutritious than ramen. WeLCOMe INSIGHT FO Od 32 - THE PEnsIOn DEALs Find out about the National Pension Service’s exclusions and what they might mean for you. 34 - sKIInG TO sUCCEss In nORTH KOREA It takes more than propaganda to breed Olympians. 44 - A VEGAn LEADER BRAnCHEs OUT If you live in Seoul and are avoiding animal products, PLANT is your new oasis in the sea of galbi restaurants. 48 - THE GHOsTs OF sEOUL Joe McPherson leads the way with Seoul’s one and only ghost walk, the Dark Side of Seoul Tour. 06 - EDITORIAL Food and destinations editor Josh Foreman bids farewell to Groove Korea and gives a nod to some of his favorite eateries in the city. 14 - KEy PEOPLE Introducing some of the editors, writers and photographers behind April’s issue 17 - THE InBOx Opinions and feedback from readers 18 - MUsT READs A selection of our editors’ favorite articles 20 - On THE COVER 22 - WHAT’s On Festivals, concerts, happy hours, networking and events for every day of the month 30 - THE nEWs Attempted suicide, rich man murdered, obesity doubles, soldiers freer 36 THE RIsE OF THE sAnDWICH We’ve all had a Korean sandwich experience that we’d rather not repeat. Here we offer a list of impressive alternatives, all waiting to be enjoyed.