
---- C HOle E WORDS FUEL UP Maximize strength gains and speed up recovery with t h i s simple eating strategy. Post-workout, consume 2 0 grams of protein and 15 to 2 0 grams of carbohy­ drates within an hour. says Monique Ryan, author of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes. This one-two punch helps replenish fuel (carbs) burned during workouts, and starts muscle repair and rebuilding (protein), which leads to strength gains. G o o d protein sources include: powders (see below), lean red meat, chicken, fish. and Greek yogurt (much higher in protein than regular yogurt). For a quick carb infusion. eat a bowl of cereal with milk and fruit, an energy bar, or some whole-grain bread. + POWDER HOUNDS Your guide to which protein mixes to consume a n d when. Whey This fast-acting, milk-derived protein absorbs easily and jump­ stars the muscle rebuild­ ing process. Take it right after workouts for best results. Casein A l s o milk-derived, casein acts a b o u t half as fast a s whey. Take i t just before bed t o p r o m o t e muscle recovery a n d r e b u i l d i n g w h i l e you s l e e p . Soy Soy a b s o r b s about 30 percent slower than whey. but it's plant-derived and a good post-workout option for vegans and those with m i l k allergies. FIGURE OUT YOUR FITNESS TRAIN FOR A 50-MILE WEEKEND Endurance coach and ultrarunner Travis Macy developed this plan t o get you off the couch and into the biggest h i k i n g weekend of your life in 90 days. /, 'T4RO • MONTH I: BUILD A BASE Start slow, moderate your training i f you feel rundown, and gradually ramp up t o the longer workouts. MONDAY Rest Macy: "Recovery days are key." TUESDAY R u n ( o r jog) 45 minutes (Zone 2*). WEDNESDAY Gym Workout A: Plank 3 x 45 seconds Side plank 3 x 30 seconds 3 x 25 pushups 3 x 5-10 ull-ups 3 x 5 each side Macy: "These exercises build core strength, which helps maintain good posture and balance while y o u hike." THURSDAY R u n 30 minutes (Zone 2). FRIDAY Gym Workout B (see page 83) SATURDAY L o n g day: Hike 90 t o 120 minutes at a good, athletic pace (Zone 1 or 2) on hilly terrain. Carry a light pack. SUNDAY Recovery hike: Trek with a pack for 60 minutes on trails (Zone lor 2). Macy: "Don't sweat a missed day. Refocus, recommit, and keep going." To do a lunge Start standing w i t h legs together. Step forward u n t i l front quad is parallel to the floor. Add a pack a s your s t r e n g t h increases. *S e e pae 85 for a definition of lones. 03.2014 BACKPACKER 81