
Basecamp Skills: Hikers' Handbook CLIMB HIGHER 1 Acclimate wisely - Traveling from low to high elevation? Build in a n extra day or two and a l l o w your body to adjust, moderate your e f f o r t the first couple days, and t r y to avoid driving directly to trailheads above 10,000 feet (plan a dayhike at a lower elevation). -Stay hydrated (air is dry up high); avoid alcohol. - Hike high, sleep low. Camp each day below the highest elevation you've reached. -Avoid ascending more than 2,000 feet total per day. - I f s y m p t o m s of a l t i t u d e s i c k n e s s d e v e l o p ( p e r s i s t e n t h e a d a c h e , l o s s o f a p p e t i t e , f a t i g u e , loss o f c o o r d i n a ­ t i o n ) , s t o p a s c e n d i n g . Go down i f they don't i m p r o v e w i t h i n 24 h o u r s . 3 Use crampons correctly These spikes a r e your ticket to safely traversing steep snow a n d ice. But there's a learning curve: Flex your ankle with each step, so your foot is flat against the slope, bringing a l l points in contact with t h e ground. Don't move one foot until t h e other one (and your ice a x e ) are s e c u r e . 4 Learn t o self-belay Walking unroped on steep snow? Use your ice axe to prevent a slide. With feet secure, plant the spike and shaft (adze forward) at least 6 inches deep. Keep your uphill hand on the axe head as you step. Repeat. If you slip, keep one hand on the axe head and grab the shaft (low) with the other. Your weight should pull against the buried shaft. e Cheat Sheet Problem Scrambling steep rock Exhausted while climbing Always lagging on alpine starts Fix Keep weight over feet; maintain three points of contact; test every hold. Use t h e "rest step." With each stride, briefly l o c k your downhill k n e e a n d rest your weight on your bones, n o t your muscles. Prepare your summit gear the night before, s o you can focus on dressing a n d eating (not packing) a t 3 a . m . See page 84 for more fast getaway tips. Layer smart On alpme starts, It's temptmg to bundle up agamst the chill Start cold, you'll warm up fast gomg uphill a n d w o n ' t overhe at 3 6 BACKPACKER 03.2014