
RCHeSTRa through its innovative “Ars Nova” series directed by internationally re- nowned Korean composer Unsuk Chin who also serves as the orchestra’s composer-in-residence. Apart from traditional concert hall venues, the SPO performs more than 70 outreach concerts annually visiting parks, classrooms and local churches. Customized education programs such as “Neighborhood Orchestra” for young people from low socio-economic backgrounds, “Let’s Play with the Orchestra,” “Music Story” for children, a “Pre-concert Lecture” for adult audiences are all part of the orchestra’s vision to expand its future audience base. Aside from that, the SPO holds a brass academy, master conducting Class and composer’s master class to develop and nurture young artists on a long-term basis. In 2011, SPO became the frst Asian orchestra to sign an exclusive world- wide contract with the Deutsche Grammophon label for 10 CDs. Its debut album released in July 2011 featured French repertoire including Debussy and Ravel which was then followed by Mahler’s Symphony No. 1 in No- vember 2011. Both of these albums have gone platinum. In April 2012, Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 was released then Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 “Pathetique” paired with Rachmaninof’s “Vocalise” in August that year. Te newest addition to the Deutsche Grammophon series, in April 2013, is a recording of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 and Piano Concerto No. 5 with Sun-wook Kim. 2014년에도 서울시향이 차리는 성찬은 풍성하다. 바흐에서 20세기의 코른골트, 서울 시향 상임작곡가 진은숙의 작품까지 다양한 시대와 동서를 망라하는 레퍼토리가 전세계 에서 뜨거운 ‘콜’을 받는 지휘자와 독주자들의 협연으로 무대에 오른다. 후기 낭만주의 관현악의 거장 리하르트 슈트라우스의 탄생 150주년을 기념하는 콘서 트도 기대를 모은다. 서울시향이 기획한 내년의 공연 일정은 마니아들의 가슴을 뜨겁게 할 것이다. 유윤종(SPO 편집위원)