
www.groovekorea.com / January 2014 44 S. Ana Kim, DMD Woo-ri Ko, Dental hygienist cheonGDam upenn Dental suite 202, 131-20 cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, seoul 02-548-7316 / 02-546-7380 서울시 강남구 청담동 131-20, 202호 Cheongdam UPENN DENtal We provide a full range of dental services such as cleanings, orthodontics, teeth whitening and implants. WE carEfUlly EvalUatE Each PatiENt’s Exact NEEDs With aDvaNcED mEDical EqUiPmENt aND ProviDE thEm With qUality DENtal carE at rEasoNablE fEEs.